Easy BUT Scenic

by Poi on November 15, 2017

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Since Kirsty’s knee accident it’s been a bit of a challenge doing one of the things we love most, hiking. While she’ll go through great periods where the personal training and sports massages work wonders and she feels like she could climb Everest, she’s quickly brought back down to earth by the slightest slip that almost takes us back to square one.

I guess that’s what having hyper mobile joints will do for you…

We also have a very active dog that requires lots of walks so despite Kirsty’s injury we are always looking for new places to explore. The criteria being that they’re both interesting/beautiful/unique and not too challenging…

And we all know the best things are always the most challenging… or so we thought.

I give you… Llyn Idwal.

An amazingly beautiful lake worthy of a 4 hour hike but in reality only a short, easy and well marked walk from the road in Snowdonia National Park.

Just 2 minutes into the walk you get the impression you’re in the middle of nowhere and the scenery competes with any mountain scene we’ve ever seen. Don’t believe us? Check this out:


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