The Dangerous Allure of a Cross Country Trip on Motorbike

by admin on April 24, 2018

There is just that something that makes a motorbike road trip sound a lot more adventurous than your standard motor vehicle adventure. The simple truth is you have a lot more freedom with where you can go on a motorbike than in your car, but it does come with a price.

The price, of course, is the increased danger to the rider and passengers of a motorbike versus those traveling in a standard motor vehicle. The United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states  that “per vehicle mile traveled in 2015, motorcyclist fatalities occurred nearly 29 times more frequently than passenger car occupant fatalities in traffic crashes.”

The increased danger is a huge reason that you ordinarily need a separate license to be able to legally operate a motorbike in the first place. Furthermore, it’s mandated when you need new motorcycle insurance due to the distinct elevation of risk. Lastly, many countries, provinces, states, and territories around the world require riders to take motorbike safety classes to ensure they become well acquainted with the way motorbikes work.

Handling a motorbike is different in aspects like the weather effects it differently than a car. Check the forecast before heading out on your adventure. You will not want to be caught riding in the rain across the country on a motorbike.

Even somewhat calm days can turn a motorcycle road trip into a trial of perseverance. An uptick in flying critters in a given area can mean lots of splatters across the windscreen of a motorcycle helmet when the rider is going 70 miles per hour. If the temperatures are too hot, a few seconds idling at a stop light can feel like an eternity spent pressed between fire and brimstone.

Aside from the weather, motorbikes have smaller fuel tanks, so you will most likely find yourself taking frequent stops to fill up. Depending on where you are traveling to and what highway you are taking to reach your destination, there may not be a whole lot of options to stop and get gas. Make sure that you are smart about your gas mileage and your surroundings. You wouldn’t want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere.

With that being said, there are a lot of upsides to taking your motorcycle road trip. When you are going lower speed limits and cruising through the city limits, the wind is a beautiful thing. Who wouldn’t love to feel the breeze through their hair on a sunny day? It is one factor that a lot of people take into consideration when purchasing a motorcycle.

Having great gas mileage is another great benefit. While the small tanks take some adjusting for those used to having nine gallons to work with at a minimum, the amount of road a person can get on one gallon when riding a bike is impressive. Motorbikes tend to have better gas mileage than your average car, which can save you a ton of money on gas when traveling.

Another thing your motorbike takes the cake on is its size. Motorcycles are significantly smaller than your standard four-door vehicles, so they are able to squeeze in places that your car can not. Have you ever stopped in at a little diner and could not find a place to park? Most motorbikes would not have that issue. They are small enough that they could park in a corner of the parking lot for about twenty minutes while they eat their lunch.

The dangers of a cross-country motorbike adventure cannot be overstated. Neither can some of the more challenging aspects of riding a motorbike. With that said, there are many positives which highlight the freedom and thrill of driving on two wheels instead of four. As long as those seeking fun and adventure never forget about safety, unforgettable journeys are sure to lie on the roads ahead.

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