Another Bloody Christmas List

by Poi on December 5, 2015

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“Gift ideas for the traveller in your life”

“What do you get the guy who’s got everything”

“What do you get your minimalist, hippy nephew who’s travelling the world on $2 a day who won’t wash his hair because ‘it cleans itself’”

These sort of posts can only mean one thing, it’s Christmas time! And just in case you haven’t seen enough of them yet we’d thought we’d create another.

collect experiences not things

Nah, collect experiences AND things!

What to buy someone who’s recently moved to Romania with a dog who’s not really had a permanent home before (I know, we tried to make the title more specific, but it’s hard…)

Dyson Hoover

Lola sheds A LOT of fur and we have a hard-wood floor. Hard-wood + fur = lots and lots of sweeping! Kirsty has had her eye on one of these Dysons for a while and tried and failed to persuade me to get one before we travelled out here. Now we are here I can really see the benefits and kinda wished we had. Plus we can groom Lola with it…

I would also settle for a roomba, mainly so we can put Lola on top and have endless entertainment like this guy.

Dog Harness for GoPro

The minute the GoPro Fetch Dog Harness was released I wanted it! Who wouldn’t want to make a Dogs eye view film (don’t answer that)? Sniff sniff, dig dig, run run. It’s a pretty cool life. It would be nice to set this up for a walk where she is playing with other dogs and see it from her level.

Silly Santa Costume or a Funky Christmas Jumper

Dogs are like kids, what’s the point in having them if you can’t dress them up.

You can’t leave your dog out of the festivities and if Kirsty had her own way I think Lola would be dressed up in all manner of outfits the entire time. However, despite my reluctance most of the time, I may give way for Christmas – especially as she’s still a baby so it’s kind of ok?

Bark box

A puppy’s not just for Christmas and you can now make your presents last the whole year too. Sign your pooch up for a bark box and they will receive a present each and every month straight to your letterbox.

Unfortunately, they currently only deliver within the US so maybe one of our friends could make up their own box and send it over to us here in Romania?

Dog puzzles

If you have an active dog who has more than 1 brain cell, this is certainly a gift you need and there are plenty of different puzzles on the market.

I particularly like the classic puzzle toy where your dog needs to move bits and pieces around to get the treat or the balls which release food when played with for a certain amount of time. I will happily accept a kong aswell – especially this one which protects dentastix making them last longer than 2 seconds.

Dog Beer

Dog beer in our local pet shop! For the pampered poochy in your life! 

Dog Beer

Lola is always trying to sneak a sip of my beer or get at Kirsty’s cider so this is a good alternative for her (and actually safe for her).

It’s Christmas everyone needs to be merry…

If Lola could type she’d ask for:


Obviously this post has been written for a joke (that’s a lie, please buy us these things, particularly the dyson) but there are some good suggestions in there for anyone you know who’s recently got a puppy. They kind of take over your life to begin with and all of these will make it a little easier or provide a good giggle over Christmas.


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